Tuesday, 10 April 2012

The bottom box I did on Good Friday, I've had the box and feet for ages and decided it was time to have a go. The other two boxes I'd started last year and never finished....the christmas one still needs a few bits and pieces.

& then I decided to make some paper flowers.The top ones are inspired by looking at Debs Stampin' Up catalogue. The bottom ones are using the leftover pages from the art journal I've started. I glued pins to the paper to help roll, then put them into a polystyrene ball.

Monday, 9 April 2012

So, I know they're a bit busy, I wanted to use up what was left of the collection pack
Using sketches from page maps 2

Mini Book that I've had way too long.
Using Basicgrey, June Bug. I'm trying to use up collection pack bits and pieces so did this book and 2 scrapbook pages. 

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Amber as a bridesmaid to my oldest friend Vicki.
Thank you to Deb for bringing the sketch-sketchabilities.blogspot.com #68

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Ready for Easter
I painted these eggs from The Works using Paperartsy fresco finish

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

I made this bag (for Felice) using fabric from the rag market and a pattern that I altered slightly.

Birthday Card for Felice xoxo